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Boy was helpless and he knew it. There was nothing much he could do except to wait out the thunderstorm.

But the final straw was when a lightning bolt struck the tree west of him. The tree immediately caught fire but luckily, the heavy downpour put it out before serious damages were incurred.

Boy knew hiding under the tree was by no means a feasible solution. The sailing experience he had never taught him real life experience on land. He was as vulnerable as a newborn babe. He decided to make a run for it. Never mind that he didn't have a destination in mind. He just ran.

And that he did. He ran as fast as he could. He ran as long as his legs could carry him. Although he stayed on the island for a sizable number of years, he did not explore it. Fear of the unknown kept him from exploring. He had no real wish or need to venture out anyway since he survived on a diet of fish and lived near the shore. Till this day, he didn't know how big the island was.

He ran and ran and ran. His legs began to shake involuntary but he forced himself to continue. All he could hear was heaven shedding its tears upon the surroundings and my, what big tears they were! He ran and ran and ran. Till the point where breathing hurts. His lungs cried out for oxygen but stop, he didn't. He pushed himself forward. He could not see, for the rain blinded him. His vision was so severely impaired that for all he knew, he could have been running around in circles.

BAM! and before he knew it, he collided with something hard. It could have been a tree trunk, a branch, or even a wall. He tried to fight to stay conscious but it was futile. The darkness engulfed him and before he knew it, he was out cold.