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i have been giving tuition to this sec one kid for a month already and only till today did i managed to get her name and her contact number.

ahh, all in a day's work.

and this is normally how my saturday/sunday morning is spent. i am not religious, so i dont go to church on sundays (you might probably say i worship money since i give tuition on sunday mornings while many go to church).

the bus ride would take 40 minutes at least (all the way to bukit panjang!) and taking into the account that i take a return journey. i spent at least 1 hr 20 mins on transport. so technically i earn [$50/(2 hrs + 1 hr 20 mins)]/hr.

but let's not talk about slave labour.

i watched the preview of the new musical fountain earlier on in the evening! for those who do not know, the old musical fountain has closed down already because it is so old. it appeared to be beyond repair. the decrepit site now looks like ancient ruins of an antediluvian civilisation. if you happen to pass by it (you can actually see it while enjoying the ride on the newfangled sentosa express which is really a lrt train), do take a photo for memories' sake, if nothing else.

with all the amelioration, it is clear that Singapore is pulling no punches to appeal to tourists. it is a relief that our parents' hardearned money are being put to good use by letting foreigners enjoy it.

but having said that, i still enjoyed the spanking new musical fountain which costs a hefty S$30 million to build. the display was amazing and even had state of the art lasers and water jets. it, indeed, is as Sentosa claimed to be and more: a multi-sensory experience.

it's worth every penny of the S$6 admission fee that they are going to put into place once the official launch on Mar 27. the storyline was kinda corny though but as shuying said, they are catering for a mass audience here so we could clearly see where they are coming from.

shuying managed to get a couple of decent 'publishable' shots because the lighting was atrocious (and i couldn't afford a DSLR *ahem*). so here you go, a sneak peek of the new musical fountain.

the photos doubtlessly did no justice to the musical fountain because it was oh-so-damn-good! (: the show was excellent and most impressive. in my own words, i would have renamed the fountain "magical fountain". left with the power of typing, i could only do so much to describe the astounded feeling i experienced in the course of watching the musical.

the dance of the lasers was reflected on the mist created by the jet sprays on precised timing. flawlessly choreographed, the scenes were spectacular. what it lacked in terms of time (it was much shorter than its predecessor), it made up by being breathtakingly captivating.

the performers were very professional, they managed to lip synch immaculately while dancing along with the coordinated actions, a feat that reflects upon their stifling practice shedule. however, the performance did bring about the familiarity of the national day event with cultural songs from different races across the population.

but i still watched the show with an opened mouth, and that says a lot. no wonder yc said that watching one time is not enough.

oh, and before the commencement of the preview, shuying and i went to take the skyride again and she was still scared despite having prior experience.

there's still more from where it came but i think i better not show anymore (especially the one with the hugeass face) for fear of grevious bodily harm.

and we went to the beach and slacked there till the show started.

nothing beats the rays of the setting sun, blinding, yes, but still oddly comforting. no wonder the chinese say, 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏. the 彩霞 in the sky serves no other purpose but to accentuate the wholesome beauty of it all.

a good day, one of the few in the future to come. one worth documenting, reminiscing. ah wells, not gonna go into all that emo shite again. (: