That somehow, he could get over all that had happened.
That, he could somehow find comfort in all that he is doing now, in all that he planned to do.
The changes that his environment astounded him. Sadly, it is only after so long, after all that had happened in the past, did he realise that truly, there was no way of getting back into the boat.
He bitterly remembered that days when he was a sailor; he travelled with one fleet and onto the other within a matter of days. Sometimes, he felt welcome, sometimes he did not.
He thought that he could adapt well to changes, he thought that trivial stuff did not matter at all but how wrong he was. He could do neither. He could not adapt to changes and the trivial stuff DID matter.
Oh, the countless times he had said to himself "never mind, the sea is abound with ships anyway. i could hop on another before i even needed to say goodbye."
and that he did. he skipped from ship to ship like a vagabond. he worked for the crew and when he felt like leaving, he just did. There was nothing to pull him back. No "must-stay" factor.
But, once, the captain of the ship that he was on went mad. The captain demanded for Boy's arrest and made him walk the plank. Boy was scared. He cried and cried and begged for forgiveness for things he knew he had never done. The reason why he was forced to evacuate from the ship was never known. But he did leave the ship, in the end. Unwillingly, yes. But nevertheless, he left.
The years of shiphopping kept him alive though he was in the open waters. He found a ship that was abandoned and began building his own crew. The crew that he built was not cohesive. Riots started occurring and soon, the crew removed Boy from the position as captain and dumped him on where he is today: a desolated island.
Boy don't know where he is but he kept himself busy. He hunted for food and made sure that he had shelter and proper clothing. There was no one else on the island except for himself. Driven by necessity, Boy began to fight for his survival.
He hated his fellow sailors for abandoning him in his time of need. He hated the captain of the other ship he was previously on for forcing him to leave that ship. He spent countless months hating. The years went by and the seasons continued with their stately march. Time wasn't distinguished by hours, minutes, months nor years. It just went by in a flow.
Boy knows that he could not continue hating forever. He chose to look on the bright side and tried to live his life happily.There was no one else on the island as far as he could tell. He got used to the loneliness or so he thought.
But everything changed on one fateful night. He remembered it well. There was a thunderstorm and lightning flashed across the skies. He did not know where to hide. Since he could remember, he had always been afraid of the lightning. He crawled under the makehift table he built in his hut made of dried soil. "BOOM!" Suddenly, a lightning bolt hit the house he had called home and the entire architecture collapsed! He was scared. He didnt know what to do except to keep crying. He thought that he had gotten used to the feeling of solitude and loneliness but now, he never felt so alone in his entire life... ... He was scared, there was no doubt about it. But what else could he do?
to be continued...