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once again, the ending of a year has creeped up behind us and we wonder where exactly did all the time go?

we look around our environment, we are still staying in the exact same place after oh so many years, still contacting the same old people (perhaps not) and basically, pretty much still in the same environment as the year before and make that, the year before that too.

so what exactly has changed?

perhaps, it could be something as trivial as the changing of a hairlock or something as monumental as an extreme makeover/personality shift.

but nonetheless, we did change. we feel different, we perceive thing differently, we even look different. sometimes, we just can't put a finger to what exactly is different. but we know that it is different.

someone wise once said "change is the only constant in life."

yes yes, an oxymoron over there. but ain't it true?

nothing lasts forever, just like there is no such thing as absolutes. you know that the Sun rose this morning. what makes you so sure it's gonna freakingly rise again tomorrow? and if so, how about that other tomorrow?

but i digress. as i was saying, change is inevitable. yes, we all agree on that that and in a way, it's a rule of thumb on its own.

we expect change. we might not like it, perhaps to the extent of fighting it, but we still accept it at the end of the day. which really, goes back to the same point of why bother fighting it in the first place if you know that you are going to embrace it? saves us all the time and energy eh?

i read somewhere that you try and try to fight the rules but you achieve only a little. work with the rules themselves and the benefits you reap might even surprise you.

think about it. we try and change things. in the process, we might find a bit more of ourselves and lose a lot. the loss, is it for the better or for the worse? the overall change, isit for the better or for the worse? the important thing is not to change with the transition itself.

some become wiser, some become a miser. that's a harsh reality of life. you either be it or you don't. you don't exactly spin around in your comfort zone thinking that 'hey. this is exactly how i am going to live my life for the next, say, 50 years'.

ahhh... wells.

sunday mornings are kinda bad for me. all the blues for monday and all. LOL.