considering the time now, its only right to say that yesterday was the due date for field assignment 2 and creatives for advertising campaign.
my gosh, the feeling of handing up the work was so orgasmic, i swear the sheer rush of euphoria when you know that you are over and done with for this aspect. but the rush of adrenaline is of course subdued by the reality that this piece of work will come and bite you on your behind.
nevermind. let's move on to not so depressing topics.
so i had fun today! and i mean fun ie. laughter, the kind that goes HAHAHAHA. and basically my legs are as durable as any shopping queen.
i went out with kim today. i think we laughed all the way from school till town. with us taking alternate turns in asking each other to shut up. basically, it was quite unglam and embarassing but i honestly couldn't cared less.
i know all her most embarassing moments lah, sometimes you are so in tuned with a person that it is freaky but i guess that's why i've known her since kindergarten. things like this, just happened.
kim made me a mean person today; i took a picture of this two girls who were dressed inappropriately (?). kim is this mean bimbo lah. can't stand her. oh! and i just realised we didnt take pictures but anyways, later's the zenitant gathering so i'm definitely bringing my camera there! (:
waited with her at the bus stop (OMG. i'm so freaking nice lah.) until her bus came and i headed to city hall.
was supposed to go DXO. but we didnt go in in the end. (SEE! I DIDN'T CLUB! PROVED YOU WRONG, DIDN'T I??)
ok, but we went eskibar at circular road. damn cold and fun. and had porridge at maxwell road. i'm getting fatter and fatter, i swear.
i'm so shagged; i think i'll just go straight to bed. =P
my gosh, the feeling of handing up the work was so orgasmic, i swear the sheer rush of euphoria when you know that you are over and done with for this aspect. but the rush of adrenaline is of course subdued by the reality that this piece of work will come and bite you on your behind.
nevermind. let's move on to not so depressing topics.
so i had fun today! and i mean fun ie. laughter, the kind that goes HAHAHAHA. and basically my legs are as durable as any shopping queen.
i went out with kim today. i think we laughed all the way from school till town. with us taking alternate turns in asking each other to shut up. basically, it was quite unglam and embarassing but i honestly couldn't cared less.
i know all her most embarassing moments lah, sometimes you are so in tuned with a person that it is freaky but i guess that's why i've known her since kindergarten. things like this, just happened.
kim made me a mean person today; i took a picture of this two girls who were dressed inappropriately (?). kim is this mean bimbo lah. can't stand her. oh! and i just realised we didnt take pictures but anyways, later's the zenitant gathering so i'm definitely bringing my camera there! (:
waited with her at the bus stop (OMG. i'm so freaking nice lah.) until her bus came and i headed to city hall.
was supposed to go DXO. but we didnt go in in the end. (SEE! I DIDN'T CLUB! PROVED YOU WRONG, DIDN'T I??)
ok, but we went eskibar at circular road. damn cold and fun. and had porridge at maxwell road. i'm getting fatter and fatter, i swear.
i'm so shagged; i think i'll just go straight to bed. =P
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